Best High Quality Replica Bvlgari Bags -

Here’s a practical handbag with an interesting name, meet the Replica Bvlgari Bags for the Cruise 2018 Collection. The word All-In doesn’t have the same meaning like poker, when you’re throwing all the coins into one bet. But actually it means that all your essential can be easily stored inside this handbag, you can throw it ‘all in’. Now let’s talk about some serious details:

I love this All-In Bag, it got some fresh characteristics. First it’s designed in the signature Monogram Canvas, which is well-known in the fashion world. The leather handles are colored in beige, just like the Classic Replica Bvlgari Bags. But what you also need to know is that this All-In Bag is inspired by the iconic House pieces like the Steamer Bag and the Sac Plat Bag. And there is more.

The style is completely focused on minimalism while maintaining the chic’ness. The All-In Bag is the perfect travel bag as well because it’s foldable. The ultra-supple shape goes easily from flat to full.

Replica Bvlgari Bags

Both handbags are crafted to store as many items as possible. The name Neverfull says a lot about the design – it’s never, ever full.

The Replica Bvlgari Bags has always been the house’s classic, just like the Speedy Bag. But now we have the All-In Bag and it’s foldable too – and we now wonder whether it can store as many items as the Neverfull. Let’s do a comparison.

The Replica Bvlgari Bags is measured 19.5’ x 14’ x 8’ (L x H x W) inches. The Neverfull MM Bag is measured 12.6’ x 11.4’ x 6.7’ (L x H x W) inches. So what is the conclusion?

The Replica Bvlgari Bags is bigger in every way and it can store much more than the Neverfull Bag. What’s more? The All-In Bag has thicker strap, whereas the Neverfull has thinner strap. Some people who has the Neverfull worries that the strap is too thin and snap. Moreover, the All-In Bag is foldable and easier to transport, it can be your shopping bag and travel bag at the same time. So it’s very handy whenever you go travelling.

The Replica Bvlgari Bags might be the next iconic and replace the Neverfull. In terms of size, the All-In Bag certainly win

The Replica Bvlgari Bags has been around for quite some time. You have a lot of different Neverfull versions like the Monogram Canvas, Damier Canvas, Epi Leather and also different interior colors. But the All-In Bag is new and first it needs to proof itself. Only then will Louis Vuitton keep this handbag and make more variation of it. We hope they will, soon!

Some people don’t like the closure of the Replica Bvlgari Bags because it still exposes the interior. The All-In Bag is made with a zip closure and when you close your bag, no hands can reach your essentials. What’s more? It also comes with an internal zipped pocket for important items.